


Thank you for your interest in contributing financially to the growth of this ministry. Saint Paul is a faith based work for God that is wholly dependent upon the faithful gifts and tithes of our members and friends. Our promise is to take your donation and use it to the best of our ability to fund the spread of the gospel both locally and globally.

Rest assured, your funds will be handled with the utmost integrity and the information you supply us through your giving will be kept strictly confidential.

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Stewardship, Tithes & Budgeting

Part of discipleship is preaching stewardship. As we discuss stewards and stewardship, it is important to understand that the term goes beyond the functions and operation of the AME Church. All Christians are stewards, Christ has entrusted the world into the hands of the Church. Stewardship is the care of property and things that belong to someone else. Faithful stewards take seriously both their authority and responsibility. A steward must be equipped with the capacity to take charge, to choose boldly and make decisions in the absence of the landlord. There are basically three types of stewards. First, there is the immobilized steward is one that is unable to take charge. Secondly, there is the irresponsible steward; one that is unwilling to be responsible to the landlord. Lastly, there is the responsible steward.

The responsible steward is the kind of steward that Christ wants us to become. The responsible steward understands his/her role and participation as co-laborers with the landlord. The responsible steward does not seek to undermine or plan mutiny against the landlord. The responsible steward understands that he ‘she has a part to play, as well as, a contribution to make because the landlord has seen fit to entrust such valuable treasure into the steward’s hand. In the Gospel recorded by Matthew, Christ tells the parable that deals with all three stewards (Matt 25:45-50; 25:14-25). The church is responsible for maintaining the moral climate in society, eliminating hunger, homelessness, hopelessness, and many other social ills that plague the community and the world.

The church needs finance in order to fulfill its mission. The church is no different from, other businesses or corporations that need revenue on order to operate. The cost of ministry increases the same way that the cost of living increase. Therefore, the church cannot operate in the 21st century on a 1900 budget mentality. The investment or contribution of money to the church is perhaps one of the greatest challenges for the church. People are not able to connect their growth to their purses or wallets. Giving regularly is just as important to our spiritual growth as attending worship regularly. God has given guidelines for enabling the church to become a financially stable institution. Tithing is God’s financial plan for the church. Malachi 3:10 states” Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house says the Lord. And prove me that I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out blessings that you will not have room enough to receive.”

Giving money to the church should be done with a glad heart and a clear understanding. First, the church has demands like any other corporation or business, such as basic bills required for operation (electricity, gas, cleaning, maintenance and upkeep). Secondly, it has the responsibility of performing ministry. Thirdly, the church has the responsibility of compensating staff. Each member is encouraged to adopt God’s financial plan for the church.

Tithing is giving God 10% of your income for Christian mission.